Hi! I’m a UX & Product Designer with endless curiosity and passion for human-centered design.

I love collaborating with cross-functional teams to create solutions that work.  

I bring a relentless curiosity to uncover the underlying truths that drive user desires and business success. I specialize in balancing user research and applied UX methodologies, finding the most efficient path to uncover the information needed to achieve our goals, leaning on my background in Human-Centered Design.

Long before I had ever heard of ‘user experience design’ or a ‘journey map’, I was a graphic designer who had a passion project that was a mobile social app, inspired by the rise of Snapchat and a college design course. With great confidence, I managed to get it all wrong and make every mistake in the book. I then got the chance to learn real UX at a small custom development shop and then a global consulting agency, and my passion for data-driven insights and building empathy with users has only grown.

Since then, I have been a part of projects large and small, for a wide range of industries, working on applications that range from voice accessibility technologies to custom dynamic contextual homepages to world-class design systems. I am always growing my craft and learning from the world around me, keeping an eye on what technologies and skills will be valuable today and tomorrow.

I love to collaborate and learn from others' experiences — don't hesitate to shoot me an email.
About Me, Outside of Work
I live in a suburb of Boston with my wife, Lexi, our baby daughter Shaiya, and our two bunnies Bialy and Halva. In my spare time I enjoy running, hiking, flying my drone, playing piano, maintaining our many plants, and driving and working on my car, among other activities. I still enjoy having a good side project - most recently I co-founded an environmental blog site and podcast and continue to help out there!